What really makes a neighborhood great is variety, a mix of styles that catch the eye for different reasons. This week I built a pair of houses with very different personalities.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Grey and Lavender Houses
What really makes a neighborhood great is variety, a mix of styles that catch the eye for different reasons. This week I built a pair of houses with very different personalities.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Grey and Lavender HousesThis week’s houses started with some roof experimentation. Rooflines can be hard to capture in the Micropolis scale, which sits at an awkward point where it is hard to do complex things like dormers, yet it is equally hard to get smooth slopes at many angles.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Mismatched HousesI’m finishing out my first month of Micropolis Mondays with a sprawling modern home: the Tumble House.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Tumble HouseThis model is based on a house from one of my old neighborhoods. I used to walk by this big house on a corner lot just about every day. It had this cool, quasi-georgian style too it. That house was a cool, older house that had seen better days and I wanted to build my own version of it.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Big HouseLast time, we talked about scale. Now, I would like to start to apply what I have been talking about to some actual models. I’ll start small, building single family dwellings in a trio of styles. Continue reading Residential Micropolis (part 1)