I enjoy reading about LEGO. Something about my temperament prefers it to watching videos. So I’m always on the look out for new books, especially those that teach me new techniques.
Continue reading New York City Brick by Brick
I enjoy reading about LEGO. Something about my temperament prefers it to watching videos. So I’m always on the look out for new books, especially those that teach me new techniques.
Continue reading New York City Brick by BrickI’ve been interested in LEGO robotics for years, but I’ve never tried my hand at it. Mindstorms seems like a bit much, but the BOOST system has so much potential for adding programmed (and controllable) motion to LEGO models. But how do I learn to harness the potential?
Continue reading The LEGO BOOST Activity BookI joined Instagram last year. One of the first amazing LEGO accounts that I discovered was @jeff_works. Jeff’s beautiful microscale cities are mesmerizing. When I heard a few months ago that he was releasing a book oh his designs, I knew that I had to get my hands on it. Lucky for me, No Starch Press was willing to send me a copy for review. Continue reading LEGO Micro Cities
I’m not much of a Christmas guy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the Grinch. I like a lot of the trappings of the holiday, but I’ve spent too many years of my life working retail to not be turned off by the craziness of it all. One of the things I do like is the tree, and you can’t have a Christmas tree without ornaments! Continue reading The LEGO Christmas Ornaments Book 2
Last year I bought my son the Boost Creative Toolbox for his birthday. He really enjoyed it, but kind of lost interest after a bit. Once he’d gone through the official builds, he didn’t know what to do. I’ve never motorized anything LEGO®, so I wasn’t much help. Luckily, The LEGO Boost Idea Book is here to help. Continue reading The LEGO Boost Idea Book
One of the things that I look most for in LEGO related books is inspiration. There is so much to be learned from examining the work of other builders and sometimes my favorite part of a model is the ideas that I can mine from it. So, it could come as no surprise that I was excited to hear about this book of nothing but ideas, just waiting to be used. Continue reading The LEGO Architecture Idea Book
As LEGO grows in popularity, I’ve been amused to watch it intersect with the broader geek culture. My LUG has exhibited twice at our local comic convention (Rose City Comic Con), where I’ve met lots of casual fans that love the bricks but haven’t fallen into the AFOL hobby yet. This new book, Geeky LEGO Crafts, is aimed directly at those geeky hearts!
To any regular reader of this blog, it is obvious that I am a big fan of microscale LEGO. I love distilling ideas down and trying to capture their essence with careful parts usage. This beautiful book is full of inspiration and technique for the micro builder and I’m happy to finally get to tell you about it. Continue reading Tiny LEGO Wonders
My favorite thing about LEGO Ideas are the original sets, so it was no surprise that I really enjoyed the 21301 Birds set when it came out. At the time, I commented that I would have liked to see a whole line of bird sets, but is wasn’t in the cards. Thankfully, there is a new book out by Thomas Poulsom (whose models led to the set) on how to build birds. Continue reading Birds From Bricks
I’ve been quite pleased with the books that I’ve gotten from No Starch Press, so it didn’t take much of a leap to preorder their book on LEGO architecture back in April. I had hoped that it would arrive in early August for my birthday (sadly publication was delayed), but it was still sweet to have it waiting for me when I got home from BrickCon. Continue reading The LEGO Architect