I enjoy reading about LEGO. Something about my temperament prefers it to watching videos. So I’m always on the look out for new books, especially those that teach me new techniques.
I only recently started following Jonathan Lopes on Instagram, and it was there that I discovered his forthcoming book. His scale straddles the gap between microscale and minifig scales and it looked like I might be able to mine it for ideas for both.

It’s a handsome book with a clean presentation that really highlight Jonathan’s big models. Not only does it look good, but it feels good too, with high quality materials and a satisfying heft.

Inside, the book is divided into four main sections: historic buildings, neighborhoods, firehouses, and more artistic pieces. There are a total of 26 models across those four chapters. It makes for a diverse sampling of New York City’s classic architecture.

Each model is detailed with a mix of photos and text. The author’s commentary on each build is peppered with a mix of inspiration, challenges, and techniques used. I like that Jonathan included buildings that were among his first, as it gives a glimpse into his journey as a builder and how he has developed as an artist.

One of the cooler features of the book is the instructions for key details in many of the models. These allow the reader to see the builder’s techniques in action. I know that this is what will keep me coming back to this book, looking inspiration for my own builds.
This is one of the most satisfying architecture books that I’ve seen yet. Reading through it and seeing Jonathan’s methods made me resolve to revamp a few of my models. I’m looking forward to adding some sophisticated building techniques.
This is a great book for any fan of LEGO architecture. Jonathan’s unfussy style is inspiring and the insights and techniques that he shares throughout are well worth the cover price. Add this one to your library, you won’t be disappointed.
Keep building and enjoy!