Way back in the beginning of the year, I had trophies to build. As the steampunk theme coordinator, I take some pride in building trophies that would look good up on the mantel. That lead me to building my first folding cube.
It started with another builder: Nils_O. They figured out how to build these infinitely folding cubes with LEGO®.
As lovely as their designs were, they just weren’t big enough to be the kind of impressive that I was looking for. I was going to need to scale it up.
I stared at Nils’ designs and fussed with bricks until I managed a rough skeleton. From there, I fleshed it out into a densely worked cube of black and warm gold. Perfect for an enigmatic trophy.
I shared the video and it got a couple thousand views. I gave the trophy away at Bricks Cascade and then I didn’t follow up for a while.
I had a struggle of a summer. I built a new version of the cube, but it languished on my work table while I dealt with other things.
A few weeks ago I took that new prototype to a show. People loved it. They played with it and played with it, marveling that it was built of LEGO®. This gave me the kick I needed to work on instructions. Lucky for me Bricklink just released Studio 2.0, their software for digital building, now with a built-in tool for making instructions.
Their tool isn’t perfect, but it did enough of the heavy lifting so that I could put together instructions that I’m happy with.
So, without further ado, here are the instructions for my folding cube model:

Keep building and enjoy!
P.S. I’m planning on selling kits soon, for those of you who don’t have all the elements just laying around!