Rose City Comic Con 2015


This last weekend PortLUG had a booth at our local Rose City Comic Con. We’d never put on a display at a comic convention before so it was all new territory for us. What made it even more interesting is that we were invited to present a panel on building Lego. I threw my hat in that ring and signed up for the madness.

Getting a display organized can be a lot of work. For this show we had about a dozen builders contributing models and nearly 20 staffing. Being a comic convention we tried to tailor our selection of models to pop-culture, super heroes, and science fiction.

Set up was a bit daunting and full of last-minute adjustments as we scrambled to make sure that we could maximize our table space and still get a buffer zone to keep grubby mitts off the ABS. Yeah, that was a long Friday of setup.


I took a smattering of mecha and space ships, including the lime green monstrosity that is my Shiptember build.

I worked the booth both days of the convention and it was nuts. It worked out well for us that we were tucked off to the side, keeping us from getting overwhelmed by the crowds. Some of the attendees were confused by the fact that we were a non-commercial display, but just about everyone loved the LEGO.

On Sunday, we held a panel on building. Myself and three other builders talked about our building process. We had a nice crowd, and a number of people complimented afterward. Not bad for a bunch of geeks on their first try.

Near the end of the con (just before I limped home and succumbed to the crud), I swooshed my big ship all around the hall.


It was a hectic weekend, but we pulled through and got invited back for next year! Most of that is due to James, who did the organizing, and the other people who populated our display with awesome models, but I feel like I pulled my weight. Success!

Keep building and enjoy!